(HealthDay News) -- If being near a pet makes you sniffle, sneeze, and your eyes water, you may not have to live a pet-free life.
The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology offers these suggestions:
Most Families Exclude Foods Linked to Allergies
Your Allergy Meds Come With Hazards: Be Aware
Wildfire Smoke Is Choking America's Cities -- Is Yours on the List?
Athletes Can Expect High Ozone, Pollen Counts for Paris Olympics
Planning Safe Summer Camp Fun for Kids With Allergies & Asthma
Back-to-School Tips to Helping Your Kids Breathe Easier
Polluting Puff: Asthma Inhalers Are Big Contributors to Climate Change
Wildfire Smoke Is Choking America's Cities -- Is Yours on the List?
“Chameleon” Immune Cells Linked To Severe Asthma
Scientists Develop Whole New Form of Effective Asthma Treatment