
( lat. Morus )

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Urticales
Family: Moraceae
Genus: Morus

Plant Allergy Overview



Asthma Season

Winter Spring





Allergy Information

This shrub is a heavy pollinator, and is potentially very allergenic.

Genus Details

Mulberries have simple, alternate leaves and bear fruit that is beneficial to humans. Where present, it commonly grows in large numbers, frequently in shrub form. The family Moraceae consists of 40 genera and approximately 1000 species. This plant is the topic of the children's nursery song "here we go 'round the mulberry bush".

Asthma Description

Pollen grains are spheroidal and 2-3 (-4) porate; the pores usually circular. The sexine is tectate and usually scabrate.

Pollen grains are usually between 17-21 micrometers.

Genus Distribution

The shaded areas on the map indicates where the genus has been observed in the United States.

- Native, observed in a county 
- Introduced, observed in a county 
- Rarely observed

Species in Plantain Genus

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